About the Journal

The journal Agrociencia Uruguay is an academic and professional publication with over 25 years of experience, which publishes advances and experiences in agricultural sciences to promote and disseminate progress, communication and exchange. 

The target audience of the journal are researchers and producers in agricultural sciences. As well as anyone interested in the subject.

Within the agricultural sciences, the following disciplines are contemplated: agroecology, plant and microbial biotechnology, forestry and landscape management, social sciences, rural sociology and agrarian economics, animal production and pastures, plant production, plant protection, natural and environmental resources, and food technology.

The journal is edited and financed by the Agronomy College (FAgro), Universidad de la República (Udelar), together with the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA) of Uruguay.

Its standard abbreviated title is: Agrocienc. Urug.

Agrociencia Uruguay is an open access journal, which means that it is free to consult. Readers are able to make use of the contents for free and without the need to ask permission from the publisher or authors. It does not charge APC (Article Processing Charge) and is identified with the diamond path of open access.

The journal is advertising free. The publisher does not release personal information of the users to advertisers.

It publishes regular articles in English only and provides bibliographical information (title, authors, abstract and keywords) in three languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese. However, the special issues accept articles in the three languages mentioned above.

The journal is presented in virtual format at the rate of one volume per year and special issues belonging to events or thematic issues related to the disciplines of Agrociencia Uruguay. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed in a double-blind mode and in accordance with the code of ethics of "COPE" (Committee on Publication Ethics).

The publication is continuous, which implies that once the editorial process is finished, the articles are published, not having to wait for a specific date. This allows for shortening publication times and collecting updated information. 

The published documents can follow the following modality:

Editorial: a brief introduction/analytical comment on some current and relevant topic of the journal’s subject area. This modality is only accepted by invitation.

Scientific article: it presents original research results. It can be presented as a short communication.

Review: it corresponds to the analysis and systematization of research results in a field in which the author or authors have a proven track record. This modality is only accepted by invitation.

Technical note: it includes the results of interpretative and critical perspectives on a specific topic, from original sources. Some examples can be the description of a region, a rural socioeconomic problem, or the situation of agricultural production items.

Studies sent to Agrociencia Uruguay must be original and not previously published or evaluated by another publication, regardless of the language.

All products derived from theses, publications in institutional or pre-print repositories will be considered original and must be indicated and cited in the article’s body, as well as extended versions of contributions to previously published events. These should significantly provide new content.

Articles identified as part of a series of publications of the same research, commonly referred to as "salami publication", will be rejected by the journal or they will be asked to be rewritten.